Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Carrie Bradshaw's breakup rules

" I created my very own first breakup rule: 

Breakup rule No 1:  Destroy all pictures where he looks sexy and you look happy.
Breakup rule No. 2: Until emotionally stabilized, enter no stores.
Breakup rule No. 3: Never stop thinking about him, even for a moment. because that's the moment he'll appear. 

And finally,the most important breakup rule: No matter who broke your heart or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends.”

-Carrie Bradshaw

I am not quite sure, that I believe in rule 2. Worth a thought, I suppose. My 3 rules include a lot of shopping infact. 

PS- Ips found this


  1. Superbly put together. I dont know abt the Rule 3. Its more like when you r moving on or going on a date or just starting to like another person that ur ex shows up scratching his head.

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