Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday morning question

I was on facebook recently, and a former colleague of mine (a very intelligent woman) had filled out one of those "25 random things about me" lists. In it, point number 7 to be exact, she'd written: "I believe you only love once, everything else is a compromise." Is this true?

I know too many couples who keep breaking up and getting back together, or who break up and go on to live happy lives with other people... but is that first love, the one that hurt, that took forever to detangle from, is *that* love with a capital L. Are all the other relationships that follow somehow paler shades of the original? I find this hard to believe... yet, my former colleague's question kept resonating in my mind this morning. I've never been in love, I think... so there's no relationship to measure this by. I find myself almost envious of those couple's who've had those long drawn-out college-time affairs... feel like I've missed an important life milestone!


  1. every time I am in love, I convince myself that everything else before it was not love... ;)

  2. Love is a journey no milestones can demarcate dear... it just exists ... if there were milestones, would we not come to the end of the journey of love?

  3. "I believe you only love once, everything else is a compromise."

    That's probably true for many people. But what's to say that your first love is the true one, the one with the capital 'L'? :) The college affair might be a paler harbinger of the original that is yet to come!

    Nope, I don't think you've missed an important life milestone. You've probably got the resultant learning and the wisdom elsewhere!

  4. Upsana: hahahaha! s0 true...
    Penguin: I love this idea of a journey... reminds me of that aerosmith song : )
    P: here's to love with a capital "L"!
